Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee

Established in 2001, the Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee (OFGAC) provides a forum for interested citizens and City Councillors to engage on current forest and greenspace issues in the City of Ottawa. The committee has 15 members, appointed by City Council, from all areas of the City of Ottawa.


External links


The Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee (OFGAC), through the Planning and Environment Committee, provides advice and guidance to Ottawa City Council on ways to help safeguard the environment of the City through the use of trees, forests and greenspace. Members assist Council by:


The urban forest includes individual city trees, rural woodlots and forests (and other vegetation)within the City of Ottawa.

Greenspace is open space which includes wetlands in its natural, undeveloped state as well as a supporting network of land in private and public ownership that has been developed only to the extent consistent with natural systems protection, recreational uses, or agricultural and forest production.


Among the Committee's official responsibilities:

See also